Feb 20
To Heidelblog and Bruce Waltke on the part of Waltke's article in a book that compares Dispensationalism and Covenant theologies by William S. Barker and W. Robert Godfrey. Waltke's criticism of Dispensationalism stated that Dispensationalism does not follow the Reformed Theology practice of using Scriptures that are written clearly to interpret those Scriptures that are not written clearly.
I very much appreciate this post. I've been saying something similar to what Waltke said. Dispensational Eschatology takes a literal interpretation of the Old Testament to control how the New Testament should be interpreted rather than the other way around. My way of saying it does not adequately handle what is figuratively said in Revelation, but when one takes Genesis 17:7's reference as the sign of circumcision being forever, then one must conclude that those in the circumcision party were right and what Paul wrote in Galatians was wrong.
Feb 21
To Bradley Birzer and the claim made in his article that says Christianity was the first to practice full equality. This appeared in the Imaginative Conservative blog.
True equality cannot be measured in a homogeneous voluntary group within a given society. That is like measuring someone's love by looking at how they love only those who love them. The real test for a group's regard for equality is found in how they treat those from other groups. And for a long time, that is not where Christians shine or do well.
When this country has been regarded as being Christian, discrimination abounded even within the Church between members of different denominations. Women and non-whites in society have been discriminated against from the beginning of the founding of America. If we trace that far back enough, would at least some of that discrimination be traced back to the early Church.
It's not that the Scriptures don't teach about equality. It is that it is difficult to historically or logically support the claim about Christianity and equality made in the above article.
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