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This Month's Scripture Verse:

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
2 Timothy 3:1-5


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

My Two Takeaways On Trump's STOTU Address, 2025

My two takeaways on Trump's State Of The Union Address are

  2. He doesn't believe in The Constitution
    When you combine #1 and #2 together, you get  😓😧😢😡

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Is It A New Axis Of Evil Or Just A Love Triangle?

I've always been curious about movies that featured time travel. In two such movies featuring the military, troops who were unknowingly  transported through time were surprised to learn who their new allies and enemies were. For example, in the original The Philadelphia Experiment, two sailors were transported from 1943 to 1984. They were shocked to find out that the U.S. was friends with Japan. In the movie, The Final Countdown the commanders of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Nimitz are shocked to hear that Germany was attacking Russia

The Trump White House, which can now be called Kremlin West, has apparently caused our enemies and friends to trade places. From Trump's proposed economic policies and statements, Canada and the EU, including NATO, are our new enemies while the U.S. and Russia are in the process of becoming bosom buddies. But unlike the movie The Philadelphia Experiment, neither time nor the nations involved have changed. It is the U.S. that has changed abruptly and surprisingly because promises of these changes were not even hidden in the fine print of Trump's campaign. On the other hand, the U.S. has now joined North Korea, Belarus, and Iran in voting against U.N. resolutions that would condemn Russia for its invasion.

However, not all of the nations we have been involved with have traded places. For example, Trump's planned tariffs indicates that China is still viewed as an adversary.

So our new world consists of both the US and Russia growing closer while China and Russia are doing the same and the US and China have somewhat of an economic adversarial relationship. 

In a BBC NewsNight episode that included a former MI6 leader, Sir Alex Younger, see the video linked to below, stated that we have entered a new time period when instead of reliance on the law and treaties, our world will now be ruled by 3 strongman leaders and deals. Those leaders of course are, Vlad Putin, Donald J, and Xi Jinping where, because of their military strength of their respective countries, these strongmen will do what they can while the rest of the world will have to suffer with their decisions.

We should note that some have for a long time thought that the U.S. has ruled vulnerable parts of the world like a strongman seeing that the U.S. has been involved in coups and invasions in an attempt to facilitate regime change.s But one difference now would be that the U.S. would now have at least a somewhat cooperative relationship with at least one giant of authoritarianism, Russia, while acting like a strongman regime. In addition, Trump is beginning to act like a strongman leader to American citizens too.

Before dismissing Younger's analysis, we need to remember the words and planned actions of Donald Trump. He said that he is willing to use force to achieve his goals in Greenland where he wants access to certain essential natural resources. He also wants to control the Panama Canal and he said that he is willing to use force to do so. As for Canada, it seems that Trump will be waging an economic blitzkrieg in order to make Canada the 51st state. A major reason for Trump wanting to do so is that Canada too is rich in natural resources such as rare mineral deposits and oil. We should also note that Trump's planned tariffs on EU nations will make it tougher for those nations to build up their militaries.

And so what kind of relationship do these strongmen leaders have with each other? Are we looking at a new axis of authoritarianism (a.k.a., evil) or are we witnessing the emergence of a love triangle where Jinping and Trump are competing to be Putin's main squeeze? If the latter is true, what will Putin do? Will he favor one strongman leader over the other or will he try to become a political Mormon who is experimenting with political polygamy which, of course, also produces an axis of authoritarianism. We should note that the Surgeon General should warn everyone that having more than one wife can be hazardous to one's health while the Attorney General should issue a warning that that having more than one wife can be hazardous to one's finances. 

We should note that other nations are supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine, notably North Korea and Belarus. But neither of those nations are in the same league with  the U.S. and China and so the best label we can give them is that of Putin's concubines.

So do we have a new Axis of Authoritarianism or Evil (Russia, the U.S., and China)\ or is there a love triangle with the U.S. and China competing for most of Putin's affections. I cannot speak to Jinping's  relationship with Putin, but there is an aspect to Trump's relationship with Putin that Sir Alex Younger didn't mention in the video. How much Trump lovingly caters to Putin or independently he acts depends on how much he owes  Putin for his election victory. BTW, Russian disinformation was definitely present in Trump's 2016 and 2020 elections. And though I have no information from intelligence agencies to confirm this, my discussions and reading on the web and scanning the news certainly gave strong indicators that Russian disinformation played a vital role in the 2024 Presidential election. 

Yes, as Younger pointed out, Trump wants Putin's blessings on his lusts for Canada and Greenland. But that would include Trump giving the green light to Putin for obtaining the Ukraine and other parts of Europasia. And perhaps one way of doing that would be for Trump to help contribute to making a fatally flawed peace treaty between Russia and the Ukraine. As Younger pointed out, while Trump sees the issue behind Russia's invasion of Ukraine as being the acquisition of land--he also sees it as an opportunity to sell himself as problem solver and chief to the American public--Putin sees it as an issue of sovereignty because, according to Putin, Ukraine naturally belongs to Russia. But then again, Ukraine's wealth in natural resources might be another reason why Putin wants Ukraine and so Ukraine could become a battle ground if Trump is unable to acquire either Canada and Greenland.

And so how much does Trump owe Putin? The answer to that question will be revealed during Trump's presidency and will help us determine whether we have a new Axis of Authoritarianism/Evil. If there is no new axis, perhaps the other alternative, a love triangle with Putin starring as the center of attention, will provide for some comic relief when watching or reading today's news.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

O Canada, It Could Happen To You

The title of this article comes from the titles of two songs. One is the national anthem of Canada and the other is from a JimmyVan Heusen's, It Could Happen To You, with the lyrics by Johnny Burke. If you look up the lyrics to the latter, you will find that the message from the original It Could Happen To You is a bit more cheerful than what I am warning Canada about.

I remember many  times when I was reading about or watching the Nazi takeover of Germany, I thought how that could never happen here in the good old USA. The recent election and current coup attempt by our two Wicked Witches, Trump and Musk, have proven me wrong. And the US has been, in part, experiencing what went on in Germany in the 1930s only American style. Certainly we didn't experience the same kind of political tactics used in Germany back then. In addition, the longer Trump's rein continues, we won't see here the kind of carnage that the Nazis forced on Germany back then. Rather, we will have our own version of carnage and the elimination of programs of human uplift, the accusations of fraud and waste leading to the mass firing of the employees without any due process, the elimination of agencies that held  government and business accountable, and the economic blitzkrieg of tariffs and threats of tariffs that would seriously threaten the economies of at least some of our allies currently going on are a foretaste of the carnage to be caused by our two Wicked Witches.

O Canada, our dearest ally and friend, and the nation I prefer to be a citizen of, what we are seeing now just didn't happen to us, it has happened elsewhere such as in Hungary, and it is threatening to happen in Germany within a decade if things continue the way they are. And it could happen to you too as well as to every other friend we have in Europe. In reality, what we are experiencing can happen to anyone. What we are seeing here today is a battle between Democracy with equality vs Authoritarianism with hierarchy with the latter one winning. Sometimes that hierarchy is ethnically based as it is in Hungary. Other times that hierarchy has a façade of being ethnically based but is really class based as what has been existing in Russia and is the direction in which the US is heading. And the equality that comes with Democracy is often overlooked the more people focus on their immediate economic concerns.

Please don't let your Canada First be the Canadian version of America First and Germany's previous Germany First versions. Be different from us and Germany of the past in how you pursue Canada First. Be different in the goals you pursue.

Here are some hints to determine what kind of nation first should be avoided by how you vote in your upcoming election. 

  1. Research The Friends And Supporters
  2. Lookout For False Or Misleading Claims
  3. Look For Traits Of Authoritarianism

1.    Research The Friends And Supporters

    If the supporters of a politician or movement include Elon Musk, then do what is often sung in the Bear Hunt song and what is sometimes heard in the Monty Python And The Holy Grail movie during a battle: RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!

    If a politician is being supported by Musk now, he will be owned by Musk after the election. If a movement is being supported by Musk, it must be significantly contributing to the carrying out his agenda. If one is unsure what Musk's agenda is, then look at what is happening to the US.

     If a candidate has the same traits or agenda that Trump had, then, again, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!! The most evident personality traits of Donald Trump are a high level of narcissism and authoritarianism. And he has extremely high levels of both personality traits.

    But a candidate doesn't have to have a Trump persona to lead a nation astray. Examine each candidate's past and present agenda. For Trump, that agenda included cutting the ties to social responsibilities for the wealthy. In other words, through Trump's agenda, despite benefitting the most from America's infrastructure, the wealthy are coming closer and closer to having a free lunch while the rest of us will be paying for that free lunch.

But taxes that support America's infrastructure and social safety net programs are not the only cutting of the wealthy's ties their societal responsibilities. Trump is axing our government's ability to protect people from the harmful and exploitive practices of those businesses whose only concern is with the maximization of profits. 

II.    Lookout For False Or Misleading Claims

In times of crisis or widespread discontent, our ability to distinguish false claims from factual ones is infringed by wishful thinking. And our wishful thinking grows more during hard times. That is what America was experiencing with an inflation that followed and was even caused by the pandemic. And so Trump's campaign opportunistically scapegoated Biden for the inflation. And then his campaign used false, misleading and exaggerated claims about immigration as fear mongering technique. Then his campaign took full credit for the absence of conflicts, like Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Hamas's October attack on Israel. And he not only claimed that neither event would take place if he was President, he claimed that he would solve Russia's war against Ukraine in one day. 

He basically said what many here were clamoring to hear. We were wanting to hear such claims because of the legitimate tension we felt our problems with inflation and immigration as well as over world events.

Realize that Russian sources have been busy in affecting elections both here in the U.S. and in Europe. I've seen that activity here in the US on Facebook and the blogs. Russian sources have spread disinformation in the form of misleading and false accusations. By doing so, those Russian sources told both those on the real left and the right that regardless of the flaws Trump has, he is preferable to Biden. And so, many a leftist 3rd party votes as well as many conservative votes for Trump were actually anti-Biden votes.

You have a similar situation that we have. You have a population suffering from inflation and because of their focus on that, you can easily become inadequately concerned with maintaining equality and  human rights. And so you too are ripe for receiving Russian disinformation and are looking for simple solutions.

III.    Look For Traits Of Authoritarianism

Speaking as a former political conservative--I actually voted for George Bush in 2000--conservatives tend to be more authoritarian than their liberal and leftist counterparts. It's not that there is no authoritarianism in liberalism or the left, there is. Authoritarianism gets its start when people in a political party, ideology, or ism become too loyal to that political party, ideology, or ism. Once they pass a certain threshold, the more loyal they become the less objective they can be in the flaws of their own groups. They soon passionately embrace moral relativity in approving of their party, ideology, or ism practicing the same actions that they condemn outsiders for.

Why conservatives tend to be more authoritarian than other groups is because conservatives start with a high degree of loyalty to their traditions. It is like in a 100 meter dash, while most of the followers of the other political parties start at the regular starting point, conservatives tend to start 25 to 50 meters ahead. And so please apply a sharper eye out when examining conservatives than any other group. But also look out for those who are party loyalists, ideologies, and those who have strong loyalties to whatever group they belong to. One way to do that is to replace the word 'Western' with a fill-in-the-blank  in the Martin Luther King Jr. quote below

'The Western arrogance of feeling that it has everything to teach others and nothing to learn from them is not just'
Put the name of each candidate and party in the fill-in-the-blank. If a candidate or party says that they have all of the answers and have nothing to learn from their critics or opponents, then RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY. Instead, prefer those candidates who opt for hybrid solutions to your problems and can learn from their critics.

Canada, please learn from the negative example that the we in the US have so foolishly provided. We have released a monster in the world. Do release either one of your own or on that would be an ally to the monster we released.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Did Putin Win Our Election?

There is a conspiracy theory that I want everyone to consider. Now the only evidence I have for my theory is the news itself and so don't automatically believe my theory. Instead, let time tell if my theory is true? My theory says that Trump made a deal with Putin. The deal stipulated that if Russia used enough disinformation to get Trump elected, the latter would be a Vassal President who would be subservient to the former. Vassal can mean a person or nation that is subservient to another. And so in exchange being subservient to Putin, Trump avoids at least one prison sentence. In addition, Trump gets to forge domestic policies that are economically beneficial to himself, his fellow oligarchs, and his wealthy peers. If my theory is true, then Trump made deal for himself in a very timely fashion.

If my theory is true, then it was Putin who won the 2024 Presidential Election. That is because he is the one who gets to holds Trump's reigns while Trump is in control of the nation. And that would make Putin and his oligarchy the new deep-state for America.

The evidence that supports my view is circumstantial in that Trump's foreign policy decisions are the drastic reversal of America's usual policies toward Putin.

The circumstantial evidence includes Trump's economic threats and attacks are mostly on NATO nations first. His threats are not just economic, they are physical in that he is threatening to annex one NATO member and the land that is loosely supervised by another. Such threats threaten to divide and seriously weaken Russia's strongest rival: NATO. And now, the Trump Administration is joining far right groups, like the AfD in Germany, in siding with Russia in the Ukraine War. Part of that includes Trump's blaming Ukraine's President Zelensky for Russia's invasion.

 I would be remiss not to mention what America's new conservatives get out of this deal. By riding in on Trump's coattails, they get to implement Project 2025 which concentrates Washington's power, rather than weakens it, on the President who can then enact policies that will make it impossible for conservatives to lose control over the government. There is no need to point out how Project 2025 is working out.

Again, don't believe my theory at first. Let the news tell us how correct that theory is.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

With Members Like US, Who Needs Russia?

The article below was originally scheduled to be posted two weeks ago in response to the implementation of Trump's tariffs. Because the tariffs were put on pause, I wrote another article. This article has not been updated since the pause in the tariffs except to put in this preface.

 Trump seems to be publicly announcing his enemies list by his actions and words. From his responses to the horrific airline accident and some of his EOs, one such enemy is DEI. But we might want to add another one to that short list.

That next entry is indicated by Trump's plans. His unwarranted 25% tariff on Canada provides a hint regarding one of his enemies. His 10% tariff on the EU is rationalized without providing any context, and his plan to take Greenland from Denmark's control is another. After all what do Canada, Denmark, and most of the EU have in common? It's NATO

Here we need to go back to our government's belief that Russia was working to promote Trump's chances at being elected in the past 3 elections. We need to go back to Trump's publicly stated admiration for Vlad Putin and other dictators over the past several years. And we should note that Trump criticized Zelensky for fighting back against Russia's invasion.

Plus, Trump is telling NATO members how much of their own GDP they should contribute to defense and if they fail to meet that mark, he would not defend them against Russian attacks. Here we should note that while the treaty requiring NATO members to defend each other is a binding, how much of a given nation's GDP contributes to defense is not. And while he initially said that the minimum percentage of a member's GDP dedicate to defense should be 2%, he has upped that to 5%.

As for his tariffs, yes, Trump is imposing tariffs on Canada, EU nations, Mexico, and, reluctantly because of his warm feeling for its leader, China. But the proposed tariffs on our neighbors are 25% while the tariffs on the EU and China will be 10%. That means that China is being treated as an equal or better than our allies.

One of Trump's stated reasons for the tariffs on Canada has to do with the border and fentanyl trafficking. But, according to a CBC broadcast, only around 1% of the fentanyl trafficked into the US comes from Canada. The USCBP's own data supports that estimate. Similar comparative statistics show how illegal crossings from Canada are minuscule compared to those coming from Mexico. And yet, they both are receiving the same penalties in tariffs. 

Along with that are Trump's arrogant statements that Canada should become our 51st state. Such a prospect might horrify Texans if Texas was a province in Canada, it would be around the 2nd or 3rd smallest province. Trump's claim is that Canadians would have lower taxes. It is at this point that we see who one of Trump's gods is and why he doesn't understand people. Trump can be bought and so he believes everyone else can be too.

And then there are Trump's threats against the EU nations because of their restrictions on importing our food products. Here we should note that Trump's protests against the EU's restrictions on our food product are without context. Trump doesn't mention why the EU doesn't allow many US food products to be imported. Issues such as preserving small farms, keeping environmental regulations in the production of agricultural products, and additives that are in our foods are prohibited in European foods provide reasons why the EU doesn't import many, if not all, of our food exports. One could look at Trump's tariff threats here as his way to impose his views on environmentalism, climate change, and food safety on Europe. It isn't that the EU treats us badly; it is that the EU answers to a higher authority in terms of standards for both the environment and health in the production and consumption of food.

There is more than one motive behind Trump's tariffs. One of those motives is that they are used to reduce tax rates for Americans--especially the wealthier ones. Such is basically an attempt to get other nations to pay for the government services that Americans access. And reducing those tax rates is a campaign carrot Trump offers during elections.

Yes, we have large trade deficits. And, yes, Trump is right in pointing out the problems that nations like China and Mexico significantly contribute to. But neither Canada nor the EU nations significantly contribute to any problems. And yet Canada is singled out like Mexico and China are and the trade problems regarding food was pointed out without providing the context.

Certainly Canadians rightfully see Trump's tariffs as a threat to their sovereignty. Trump's tariffs on Canada is an economic blitzkrieg because of their immediacy amount. And so we see in Trump's EOs an attempted shifting of power in the Western Hemisphere. But perhaps what Trump aims for is larger than that. Perhaps, with his attacks on the EU, Perhaps Trump is aiming to create a geo-political shift of power where Trump is taking the US out of NATO and into an accord with Russia and China. Or perhaps Trump sees the US being able to stand by itself for as long as he is President because, in his mind, he is that great of a leader. In either case, we would be out of NATO.

And so when we put together the threats against the holdings of a NATO member along with economic threats against the economies of other NATO nations along with claims that he would not defend certain NATO nations from attack, all of that indicates that NATO, and Canada, might have to prepare for a future where the US is not just missing in action, it is an adversary.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

So Far, We Don't Have A Dorothy To Save Us

As I was taking a shower this morning, I realized how much the stories that The Wizard of Oz and part 1 of Wicked reflects on America today. 

Of course Trump and Musk are our wicked witches from The Wizard Of Oz, not necessarily from Wicked. However, both are also similar to Elphaba from Wicked in that they are products of their environment. But we should also note that the real coming of age stories ofTrump and Musk seem far different from that of the Wicked Witch, Elphaba.  Along with them we have the Republicans in Congress who are doing their best to resemble the Wicked Witch's flying monkeys. We have the conservative news and information outlets as well as my fellow believers in Christ who still support Trump who serve as the guards at the Wicked Witch's castle. And what does the water in the bucket which eventually melts the Wicked Witch represent? Isn't it The Constitution?

Outside of the Wicked Witch's castle we have the animals from Wicked Part 1 who lost their ability to speak in a human language and were disappeared from civilization. They represent the lower economic class and other formerly marginalized people in American society some of whom started to gain a voice but have now lost it and are being remarginalized. However, this is where our analogy using Wicked has problems. Why? It is because in Wicked, it is the Wizard who seeks to silence and disappear the animals. In our current situation, our  Wicked Witches are the ones who are seeking to remarginalize those who were previously marginalized. However, we should note that neither our previous status quo nor our Wicked Witches are showing significant concern for the economic lower class. 

The Democrats are our Munchkins of course. Much of our entertainment from our pop music to many of our tv shows and movies to our sporting events is the poppy field outside of Emerald City (editorial correction). And who do the residents of the Emerald City represent? Don't they represent those who are economically privileged?

The question to be asked about our Wicked Witches by a Red Sox fan such as myself is this: who will be able to reverse their curse? Please note that since the water used to melt our Wicked Witch is The Constitution, I am neither threatening nor promoting the use of physical violence when talking about melting the Wicked Witch. But if our judges and judicial system fail in preventing the evil empire from being established by the Wicked Witches, who will be our Dorothy?

Finally, who will join the Munchkins in singing No One Mourns The Wicked after our Dorothy finally rescues us? Will the flying monkeys join in the singing? Or what about the guards at the castle? Will the residents of Oz, who live in a segregated city and whose status quo is wicked but just not as wicked as the Wicked Witches are, join in the singing?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I'm Suffering From National Identity Dysphoria

Though physically, I was born an American, I was born in America to parents who were natural born citizens and whose parents were American citizens, I identify more with Canada. My dysphoria started well before Trump's current attempts to be an American Tsar. 

My dysphoria started last summer when I took 2 trips to Canada. The wife and I toured the Canadian Rockies by train and bus. Then just as Fall began, I spent around 5 days in Montreal while the wife was with her sister. I have written about the first trip in an article last year. I noticed how Canada was civilized while the US was arrogant--and that was before Trump became President. I noticed how even bicyclists obeyed traffic laws. Canadians are more polite than Americans in part because they exercise more self-restraint. And I noticed that we Americans, myself included, talk too much and listen too little.

Canadians tend to be modest about their nation. When I told them that I was jealous of those who have a Canadian citizenship, they were quick to point out that their country has problems too. I sometimes responded by saying that their response shows one of the differences between Canadians and Americans. For if I was a Canadian who said that I was jealous of those who had an American citizenship, the American response would most probably be somewhere along the lines saying, 'of course you are.'

With Trump, the differences between Canada and the U.S. could not be more stark. As seen in Trump's treatment of USAID and his proposal to Ukraine, he seems not to be interested in providing any compassionate aid if there isn't a buck to be made out of it. The Canadian government is not that way.

Right now there is a pause in applying the tariffs that Trump threatened. The Canadian government should take this time to expand the markets for their businesses so that if Trump either implements the tariffs at a later date or attempts to economically threaten Canada again, Canadians will not be put at risk by economic attacks on its sovereignty. And please remember, Canada, the kind of person Trump is. He seems to have an insatiable lust for self-recognition, power, and money. He is not one to be trusted. I am especially now jealous of those who have a Canadian citizenship. Yous guys might have to live next to him, but we have to live with him. And he is a reflection of many of us Americans.

And for Trump, don't think that there will be no economic responses despite the pause in tariffs by Canadians. They rightfully feel betrayed by the threats. In addition, if there is one thing I know about Canadians is that the self-restraint and politeness they show is what they expect to see returned by other people. And so, though they are relieved by the pause, what they have just felt from Trump's threats will far outlast the sunsets of a Canadian summer.

One final point should be added here. If Trump feels so free to use threats and extortion to change Canadian policies, perhaps the EU and Canada could return the favor. Perhaps the EU and Canada should threaten to put tariffs on the businesses of Trump's friends and Trump himself until the US government restores USAID in full.